Friday, September 27, 2013


I love eating a bowl of cereal before bed (which is really two bowls since I hate drinking the sugary left over I just keep pouring in cereal until it's gone).

I love taking naps.

I  love cooking something and getting a compliment.

I love running in cold weather, the kind that freezes your lungs a little when you breathe in.

I love running hard and fast for a long time. 

I love feeling sore after a tough workout.

I love setting and reaching goals.

I love sunshine. I get so antzy wasting precious sunlight indoors.

I love talking to people and making new friends.

I love helping people and making them smile.

I love my husband. He is the most loving and selfless person I know.

I love looking at my baby and thinking, "He is mine"

I love journaling (much more than blogging!).

I love cheesy foods. The cheesier the better.

I love working hard outside..getting sweaty and dirty and feeling productive.

I love Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter.

I love my Mom's cooking and the fact that she always has dinner ready when we visit.

I love my parents. I love that they are always inviting people they just met over for dinner.

I love my siblings. They inspire me and make me laugh.

I love praying. I feel heaven so close and my troubles fade far away.

I love studying the scriptures. It feels like a treasure hunt. I love learning something new that changes my life.

I love my friends. I have so many wonderful people in my life I admire so much and love so dearly.

I love semi-sweet chocolate chips.

I love a spoonful of creamy peanut butter coated with semi-sweet chocolate chips. 

I love doing pushups.

I love making art. Especially creating a character that never existed before. 

I love making people laugh.

I love being goofy.

I love the sound of leaves crunching under your feet as you walk.

I love peaches and cream.

I love the mountains and thick, green forests.

I love thinking and dreaming about my future.

I love Oreo shakes from Jack in the Box (seriously. So good.)

I love greek yogurt (Greek Goddess honey flavor!)

I love going to church. I love the people there and the feeling in my heart as I go. 

I love decorating my home.

I love cleaning (weird, I know).

I love sunflowers.

I love laughing with Quinton.

I love laughing with anyone.

I love making Max laugh.

I love finding creative solutions.

I love Cafe Rio, In 'n' Out, and Olive Garden.

I love classic Disney animated movies.

I love ice cream!

I love wearing t-shirts and basketball shorts (sweats in the winter).

I love running in compression shorts.

I love my Chacos.

I love anything with cream cheese frosting.

I love trying new things.

I love sushi.

I love watching Studio C (SUPER funny sketch comedy. Check it out here. Let me know what you think!)

I love going barefoot (unless I am wearing my Chacos).

I love country music.

I love Josh Groban's music.

I love watching happy movies while eating.

I love eating.

I love hot showers after a long day.

I love wake boarding   and snowboarding (sadly it has been years since I have done either, but I dream about both!)

I love getting care packages.

I love my in-laws.

I love inspirational sports movies.

I love clean, uplifting language.

I love singing.

I love my life!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Do You REALLY Think You Can?

One thing I believe with all my heart is that there is a power to our thoughts, and we are literally the product of what we think about all day, all month, all year, for our entire lives.

I also believe that as 21st century homo sapiens, we rarely tap into the full reservoir of our potential. This belief is kin to my knowledge of a higher power, and that we can receive divine assistance to help us reach worthy goals, overcome hardships, and to change who we are (imperfect) into who we can become (perfect).

So, if we are a) the product of our thoughts, and b) if we have great potential, and can literally do anything we dream, then what is limiting us from thinking our way to the stars?

Everyday we have thoughts. Some are good, some are bad. Some we think more cognitively than others. Some uplift us and help us become better people. Some stunt our progress and lead us away from our worthy goals. Some thoughts also help or hurt those around us.

Many people, especially young people, have great ambitions. Call it a "Bucket-List" if you will. We all dream about accomplishing great things, traveling to exotic places and living exemplary lives. While I believe positive thinking can lead to the accomplishment of these goals, that is not what I want to focus on. I want to highlight the everyday, sometimes monotonous, Monday-through-Sunday kind of living. What are our daily thoughts? Are they leading us closer to who we want to become? Are we happy with who we are? If not, who would we like to become? These are crucial questions that can help guide our daily thoughts.

The quality of your life now and in the future is a also a sum of your thoughts. Everyday you are either moving closer to life or death. Let me explain: If you choose poor diet, a sedentary lifestyle, and habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol and drug use, studies have indicated your life will be shortened, and your quality of life will diminish. The opposite is obvious: if you exercise, live an active life, eat healthy and abstain from harmful substances, your lifespan and quality of life will improve. But what about less tangible things? Can you spiritually live or die? I believe you can. I believe just as we can choose to eat better we can also make choices that will improve the spiritual quality of our lives and eventually lead to greater power and potential. Everyday you are thinking your way to greater peace and happiness or greater misery. Why? Because if you think about something enough, you will act. Action leads to becoming. So the person you are is the summation of what you have thought about for your entire life. Crazy, isn't it? Intimidating? For sure. Thankfully, change is possible. We can take control of our thoughts and our lives. I believe this power is fully available through our Savior, Jesus Christ. Because of His sacrifice for all mankind, we have the power to change.  As we exercise faith in Him, we develop a desire to repent. Repentance is change! Whether you recognize it as that or not, or whether you believe in Jesus Christ or not, we all want to become better than we are. And that is possible.

Here is a little formula I made that can help us use our thoughts to help us progress.

I call it R.O.C.C.A

Recognize the pattern of your thoughts. What do you think about? What actions to do you take as a result?
Take Ownership. Don't fall into "victim thinking" where you blame others or circumstances for your situation.
Choose to Change. 
Alter the course of our life. Become who you want to become.

Success is a relative term, but to me, it means living your potential the very best you can. It means having good thoughts and thinking enough of them that you eventually have good actions--actions that lead you to your worthwhile goals, that lead you closer to who you want to become. Success is personal change. I know personal change is possible, and it is done one tiny thought at a time.

Great things can happen if we think we can!

I believe in you!

I feel like including pictures makes my rambling posts 25% more interesting. So here is my handsome little guy making his favorite kissy face!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Cussing Isn't Cool

Last night as I lay on my bed trying to fall asleep so I could go running at 5:00am, I heard a conversation from the couple who just moved in downstairs . We haven't had a downstairs neighbor for two months, so I didn't realize how thin the walls are until last night.

The conversation started at a normal decibel, but the quickly became a heated argument. Every other word was the F word, and sentences ridden with that word would just be interrupted by another hate-word infested sentence.

Eventually I had to turn on a fan in order to drown out the flurry of F bombs and angry dialogue.

I am not judging this couple...I have no idea what they were arguing about, but I can't help but be disturbed at the language of those around me. In fact,  in my apartment complex it isn't uncommon for me to hear the F word thrown out of a mouth of a toddler or child. I am totally disturbed.

Is it really just a word? Swearing is dripping with anger and crud connotations. It screams disrespect and disregard for those around you. What happened to respect? What happened to decency?

When I hear any curse word, (and there are some words I define as curse words that many do not) I get a shiver up my spine and a sick feeling. What happened to language creativity and sentence structure? There are a billion other ways to state your anger, or frustration, or excitement, or surprise without using such a derogatory and loaded word.

What are we teaching our children? I believe children only speak what they hear around them--whether that is what is spoken in their own home, or what they hear through the media.

We are going from a society of eloquence and education to a culture of a few four letter words.

Call me old school, sheltered or prude, but I miss kindness and courtesy. I miss larger vocabularies.

The mouth is an interesting thing. From beautiful lips and clean white teeth can come the greatest praise, blessings, compliments, and declarations of love for those around them. Or, this same mouth can utter ugly, dark, crude, derogatory, hateful words. You can make or break a person by just your language.

Can't we just make an effort to speak a little kinder? A little more loving? Express our anger in a more calm and creative way? Can't we take a stand against this language in the media? How can we be surprised when our children let a certain word slip if that word and other similar language is streamed into our homes via the television and Internet?

We can make a difference. Lets do it for ourselves and lets do it for our children. Do it for the lonely, elderly woman next door. Do it for your community and for the world. Lets speak with a little more love.

We can do it.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

26.2, Someday I Will Own You

It is crazy that I want  to run a marathon? In fact, ever since middle school, and probably before, running those 26.2 bad boys has been my goal. For some reason, a seems to be marathon the pinnacle of runningdom, and for years I have wanted to conquer it. I would day dream of qualifying for Boston and running marathons in all 50 states, setting personal (and race) records, and mingling with a close knit community of fleet feets.

Three times so far I have searched and searched for the perfect marathon. Three times I have found a training plan and started training, but each time I never made it to that blessed starting line. The first time I was training with my husband when we were engaged. I was amazed that he actually wanted to race 26.2 with me. But, I learned after our wedding he only wanted to spend more time with me, away from my roommates, so he'd join me on the road. After two weeks off from running with all the wedding and honeymoon hoopla, we never continued the rest of our training.

The second time I trained avidly alone until I found out I was pregnant. Then I still pounded the pavement until 25 weeks, and then continued until delivery on the elliptical.

And this year I was determined to check a marathon off my bucket-list. In fact, it was a New Year's resolution I was sure I would achieve. Surely this time I could make it happen! Third time's the charm, right? Well, things are a little complicated. We moved to a new city and could be moving again in just a few short months. It is impossible to plan on running a marathon at a certain location if you have no idea where you'll be. Also, the only time I can run is at 5:00am, before the husband leaves for work, and my son wakes up. Right now, it's just not possible to pound out as many miles as I would like during the wee hours of the morning. It's complicated.

So, what is a marathon hopeful to do? I will be honest, I get a little green with envy when I see someones Facebook status proudly announce they just ran their first 26.2. People who don't even want to run do marathons. People who don't even like running. People do it on a whim. I love, LOVE running, and would do a marathon in a second if I could. I feel like a Juliet being denied her Romio.

But, have the past three years been a waste? Not at all. I got married. I had a baby (a Mommy Marathon has to count for something!), and I am trying to make decisions that are best for my little family right now. Someday I'll conquer that 26.2 mile mountain. In fact, call me crazy, but lately I have been really considering doing an Ultra-marathon someday (anything over 26.2..but I'd favor a 100 miler). Right now I'll just keep chugging along on this Ultra-Ultra-marathon of motherhood and wife-hood and life.

Someday you'll see me in Boston.
But for now I'll keep running every chance I can, and putting my energy where it's needed most.
I am running a 5k on Thanksgiving. My goal is to break 19 minutes.

Maybe I didn't run my 26.2, but I did run a half this year, and I broke my high school 5k PR by a minute and 2 seconds. Not a bad year at all. And it's not even over.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Having Children is the Best Bucket-List

Having children is a blessing. 
Central to my Christian beliefs is my understanding that we are all children of God. 
Every person, regardless of their beliefs, behavior, appearance, desires and lifestyle is a special individual. 
One of the greatest gifts we have been given is the ability to procreate, or to come together with someone we love and have children. I believe this is a divine gift that God intended to be employed between husbands and wives. 

In Genesis 1:28 God is presenting the garden of Eden to Adam and Eve.

"And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply and replenish the earth..." (KJV)

I believe this is a powerful commandment that is still in effect today. 

It takes faith to have children and to make that a priority, that is for sure.
It is not easy. 
It is not popular. It is easy to see how world travel, education, employment, and other worthy goals would get in the way. 

I am not discounting these ambitions. I am a dreamer and a goal oriented person. I believe in getting as much education as you can, in bucket-lists and working hard to better yourself.

But. I know 1) We can be a parent and still reach many wonderful, ambitious goals. Becoming a parent shouldn't be looked at as an alternative to your hopes and dreams, but as a an avenue to reach your greatest hope and dreams. And, 2) that deciding to have children will open an entire world you didn't know existed. Get ready to feel more compassion than you ever thought possible. Get ready to have more joy. Get ready to become more self-less. 

Having children is a lot of work, but I promise it is worth it. 

Having children is also expensive. On paper, it doesn't make sense. Maybe you are barely making ends meet with just the two of why would you bring another mouth to feed into the world? There are so many people already, and so many who are having children. Do I really need to have a family of my own? 

I believe it is a matter of faith. I know the Lord will provide, and you will have enough. There is no such thing as too many children in the world.
Deciding when to have children and how many to have is a decision that is between husband and wife, and the Lord.

For those sweet couples who haven't been able to have children, or for those wonderful women who haven't found the right person to marry, God bless you for your righteous desires.  I believe you will have so many blessings in this life because you want to have children..whether or not you are able to. I also believe that in the next life, you will have that opportunity. 

The Lord has a plan. 
And the family is central to that plan.

I am so grateful that I am a mother. I have grown in so many ways, more than I could have ever dreamed. My marriage is stronger, and, I have been blessed to reach many other goals as well (finish my education, improve in running, work as a freelance illustrator..)
I love my life, and wouldn't change a thing.

Check out a wonderful video about this topic HERE

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Be of Good Cheer

I think everyone can agree that it isn't always easy living in this world. Just turn on the news. Everyday it seems like there is a new story about a horrific murder, an organized crime, or some crazy publicity stunt. Scroll down your Facebook homepage, and you find political confusion, pessimism and anger.

Natural disasters seem to be occurring more frequently and with more force. Teen celebrities are throwing aside values, and gone are the days when the media could provide positive role models for our children. Gang violence, hate crimes, drugs, alcoholism, promiscuity, and the corrosive addition of pornography are everywhere.

Today, in fact, marks the 12 year anniversary of the terror attacks on the World Trade Centers, the Pentagon and United Airlines flight 93. We remember those tragic events, and continue to pray for those who were directly affected.

It may seem like the earth is filling with a heavy darkness, that is only growing thicker, and is spreading like a wildfire on a dry prairie.

But, I believe we have so much going for us.
This is a wonderful, and exciting time to be alive.
In fact, this can be the BEST time of our lives.
We can be hopeful, and happy.
We can find light and truth.

We have so much going for us.
The best is yet to come.
I really believe that.

Numerous times in the scriptures we are counseled to "Be of good cheer". Typically this council is given in the middle of great opposition. One of my favorite parts of the New Testament is in Matthew 14, where the Savior's disciples see a figure walking on the water. They reacted like anyone would and were afraid (how many times have you been sitting in your boat only to see someone strolling towards you on top of the water!).

Jesus responded, "Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid." (KJV Matt 14:27)

Peter, recognizing it was indeed his Master, asked if he could come and meet him on the water. Looking at Christ, he placed his feet on the surface, and began to walk.

"But when he saw the winds boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. And immediately Jesus stretched for his hand, and caught him, and said until him, O thou of little faith, where fore didst thou doubt?" (KJV Matt 14:30-31)

No matter what storms or boisterous winds surround us, we can be of good cheer. We can find hope. We can find peace and lasting joy.

The key faith. Specifically, faith in Jesus Christ. I know Jesus was not just a historical figure. He was and is the Savior of the world. He lived and was crucified and then miraculously rose again three days later. He suffered, bled and died for us. I know him and love him. As we pray, earnestly study the word of God, and live the commandments, we can come to know Him. He can become our source of strength. And when, like Peter, we feel overwhelmed and afraid as the wind whips around and the waves crash, He will guide us and comfort us.

What a blessing to know we do not have to walk through the storms of life alone!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

WORKOUT TIME FOR MOMMAS (and anyone and everyone else!!)

Max and I had a great time making these videos, so I hope you enjoy them. Okay, they are super cheesy, and the video quality isn't the best (my camera is dead, so I had to use my computer)...but maybe they will at least provide you with your daily laugh.

Here are the circuits I demo:

Circuit 1:
 Ply pushups
Chair dips
Mountain climbers
Leg lifts
Leg kicks
Goose steps
High knees
Down dog
Up dog

Circuit 2:
Leg swings
Plyo lunges
Plyo squats
2 variations of abdominal exercises
Quick feet
Down dog
Up dog

And like I mention on the video, you can do each how ever long you want. I usually do 15 reps of each, and then repeat the circuits for 30 minutes. It may not seem like much, but you will be sweating!

And, for you parents out there, here is a lovely video of ways to work out with your little one!


Circuit 1

Circuit 2

Workout With Baby

Happy Exercising!! :)

Monday, September 9, 2013

Treat Others the Way YOU Would Like to be Treated

A month ago my little family and I moved to a new and VERY different city. I am a country girl through and through-- growing up, I lived on 7 or more acres, and we usually couldn't see our closest neighbors. My husband and I grew up in a small town (population around 12,000), and then went to college in another small, potato farming town. So, as you can imagine, the move was quite the adjustment.

Not only were we suddenly thrust into a busy metropolitan area with 7-11s on every corner (seriously), but we moved into the complete opposite climate. We are both from Oregon and LOVE drizzly, cloudy days, forests full of pine trees, mountains covered in greenery, waterfalls, and SEASONS. We moved into the dry, hot, HOT Nevada. Suffice it to say, we were feeling a little out of our element, but we were (and are!) excited to have an adventure.

On our first Sunday at church we sat down near the front of the chapel. Of course, we didn't know anyone, but I was anxious to make friends. I leaned towards the pew in front of us and blurted something awkward like, "Hi, what's your name?" The woman in front answered and we began a conversation. We were touched when she even invited us to dinner later that week!

When we went to eat in her home we learned she had only been coming back to church for 3 weeks after a very long time of not attending. She said she felt very uncomfortable, but was trying to be more social, so she invited us over. Last weekend we invited her to our home for games. We had a great time! She mentioned that we were the first couple to ever invite her to their home.

That really touched me. Here is this woman who, like us, feels new and is trying to make friends and connections. Yet, she didn't hesitate to reach out to us. When she showed us kindness, we were happy to reciprocate, which ended up being a blessing in her life!

We have also tried hard to get to know others as well. I even made cinnamon rolls for our neighbors.

AND, we've been blessed by many others who have made an incredible effort to serve us and make us feel welcome and loved (babysitting, inviting us to do things...)

Moral of the story? It doesn't matter if you are feeling like a 'newbie", reaching out to others will greatly bless your life, and take the focus away from your problems. It is so easy to think "I just moved here, I sure wish someone would invite me over for dinner, or sit by me, or talk to me.. Or that my neighbors would come meet us, and bring cookies..." But this is real life! We can't just sit on our tuffits eating our curds and whey!

Challenge: Make a new friend this week! Meet a neighbor that just moved in (and bring cookies!) My mom is a wonderful example. She said when she feels awkward at a party or event, she pushes it aside and looks for someone who might be feeling the same way. If everyone sincerely tried this every day, the world would be a happier place!

(How can I end a post without including a picture of this cutie!)