Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Max Odysseus Cole

So this is what happens when you don' update your blog in almost a year...you have SO much to update on! To save my fingertips, and to cut-to-the-chase: I had a baby! My guess is you already knew that. You also probably already knew (or could at least guess) that he is the cutest baby in the world. Having a baby is quite the experience. Sleep goes completely out the window, and so does a little of of your sanity...but I have to say, I will never be the same.

Max has changed my life in almost every way. I can't believe I have now joined the billions of women I admire so much, and I have become a full fledged member of the 'mommy club.'

This past weekend we drove 12 hours with Max to Oregon where our families live. There Max was blessed in our church (the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) by the Priesthood authority (the power God gives to man to act in His name). It was such a special experience, one that I will never forget. I know that we have been blessed with such a special boy!

To say a word about his name....Max is my grandpa's name....my father's father. Grandpa Max Mullins was killed in a mining accident when my father was just a boy. I have always loved family names, and feel like you really come to know the name sake by giving such a special name to your child. Odysseus is the hero from the Greek classic by Homer, the Odyssey. My sweet husband LOVES the Odyssey, and is really moved by the great lengths Odysseus went through to be true to his self and his sweetheart, Penelope. To my hub, Odysseus embodies a good, strong and devoted warrior, and he wanted his son to carry a name he could live up to.

With that said...

Here are pictures of my adorable boy!

 Max Odysseus Cole: Born July 27th, 4:39pm
6lbs 9oz


  1. I have to admit that I agree with you Ariel. Max is completely adorable and you can already see that he is going to be a character like his parents! I can't wait to get my little one here and join the sleep deprived ranks of mothers every where!

  2. Sam, I love your prospective and excitement about the sleeplessness:) It is not easy, but if you have to be awake with someone at all hours of the night, at least they are cute!
