Saturday, June 15, 2013

Parenthood is all about LOVE

I don't usually have a vent post, but this is something that has been on my mind.

Before I became a mom, I didn't know anything about Babywise, or the Ferber Method. I had no idea what CIO stood for, or what the benefits of breastfeeding were. I just admired my mom and I knew she did her best. I felt the same away about other parents I knew. I didn't know or care what parenting method they used, I just loved to be around them because they loved their kids and had fun.

Once I became inducted into the Mom Club, and Parenthood Association, I became aware that there are a bazillion ways to raise a baby before they are one year old, and a million ways to raise a child. It seemed like every well thoughtout sleep book, family or cultural tradition or medical theory had a bitter group of mothers who detested every word and thought any publication should be burned in a sweltering furnace. Granola moms swore to non-hospital, natural births, breastfeeding, cloth diapers, co-sleeping and any other put-you-baby-to-sleep method besides cry it out. Traditional medically minded American moms had hospital births, vaccinated thier kids, used disposable diapers and may have supplimented with formula. While there are loud extremes to both schools of thought, and most parents probably fall somewhere in the middle, it seems whatever any well-meaning parent tries to do, there are numerous ranting parental forums, mothers pointing fingers and judgmental glances. Good grief.

We're all just figuring this out as we go, right?

I'm not writing this to point out who is right and who is wrong. I am certain there are pros and cons to every practice and theory. And, I am in no position to give advice...I have one baby, and I know every child and situation is different.

All I want to do is say is -lets not forget what parenting is all about afterall. No one is made fun of in high school because their parents let them "Cry It Out." No degrees are withheld because you were fed with formula. Good parents love their kids, enough said. Just love your children and do your best, and everything will be okay. You won't be a perfect parent. You won't always know exactly what your screaming baby needs, and many times you will join every parent in the Parenthood Association and feel completely overwhelmed and at the end of your rope. But it's my feeling that love is really what matters the most. Play with your kids, laugh with them, tell them you love them. Love your spouse or partner if you are blessed to have one, but don't stress too much about what you might be doing or not doing.

Lets praise our fellow moms and dads for what they are doing well. For their decision to be parents when it isn't an easy thing to do, or when we live in a world that often says it isn't convienient or cool. Lets let our friends love their children, and lets show them love in return.

I am sure that love is what's most important afterall.

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