Sunday, November 16, 2014

The 12 Days of Thanksgiving

We hear so much about 'the true meaning of Christmas', but what about the true meaning of Thanksgiving? Is there more to turkey day than turkey? Or football? I think so, however, it can get so easy to forget to simply be grateful, especially during this special holiday set aside for just that. So I'm proposing 12 days of Thanksgiving. Starting TODAY (or when you can), do one of these each day (or as many as you can) until Thanksgiving. I believe an attitude of gratitude can really change your life, and even the world. 

1) Write 3 "snail-mail" letters expressing gratitude for special people in your life.

2) Deliver goodies (secretly or in person) to someone just to thank them for who they are.

3) Write down 25 blessings you see in your life despite a current trial or hardship.

4) Call someone on the phone (not a text!) for the sole purpose of thanking them for being in your life.

5) Write a fire station, police force, your mail carrier, or someone else who gives public service, thanking them for their time and dedication.

6) Sincerely thank (with a smile and eye contact) someone you associate with regularly, but don't consider family or a friend (such as a co-worker, class-mate...etc).

7) Do a simple act of service for a family member.

8) Do a simple act of service to better your community (volunteer time, pick up litter, meet your neighbor, don't gossip...)

9) Meditate, or say a prayer, reflecting only on what you are most grateful for, rather than your what you need or where you fall short.

10) Give a hug.

11) Share what you are sincerely grateful for on a social media network.

12) Share with someone how being grateful has changed your life

Let's change the world, one bit of gratitude at a time :)

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