Saturday, October 6, 2012

This is for you, Barbara and Mamie!

I really have a hard time blogging. I never know what to say, and then I hesitate saying anything at all because if no one reads my blog, there go 20 precious minutes of my day. But, alas, I know that I do indeed have at least two readers: my mother-in-law, Barbara, and my sister-in-law, Mamie. So with all that said, I am not "blogging," because that term makes me squeamish...I am writing to two wonderful women, and updating them on my life. If anyone else happens to read this, maybe I'll start writing to you as well:)

I have developed several new hobbies: 1) taking pictures of Max, and 2) dressing Max in little outfits, and 3) Trying to get Max to "talk" and smile and burp, and laughing with my dear husband over how adorable our son is!

So, that is why there are so many pictures of Max Man...

I LOVE this picture!

Last weekend Max Man and I had our first solo excursion to Utah (meaning without Quinton), for my niece's baby blessing. Max was a dream. He slept almost the entire drive, and was really happy and mellow the entire trip! (as you can see in this picture :) ) 

Max and his cousin Mariah, they are just 10 days apart, but Max Man towers over her. He is a good 4 inches longer!

I decided to throw in one "unMax-related" was so good to see my little brother Nate!

Max Man and Grandpa Mullins!

I think he is looking more and more like my husband every day!

I love this picture! It's like Max is trying to protect Mariah!

It was so cute, they linked arms on their own! I think they were besties before they were born

Max's curly post-bath hair. Q says he looks like Bill Murray

"Mom, will you please stop taking pictures of me and put some clothes on me?! I'm freezin'!"

Happy dreams!

For some reason this is Q's favorite thing to do to our son, make him a unicorn. Poor Max!

I realized I am not in any here is a quick one I just took..don't mind my lovely hair, I just went on an in-between-conference-sessions-run :), but this helps you see how big Max Man is getting!

Life is pretty great! It's been extremely crazy, but oh-so-wonderful. I never thought I'd be so happy. Everyday I wake up and I thank my Heavenly Father for such a beautiful, wonderful little boy, and such a loving and supportive husband. I am truly blessed! 
We just moved into a new apartment (2 bedrooms...SO nice!), and we are loving the fall (but we are already freezing our tails off) Everyday Max and I go on a long walk or run, or I take him to the gym with me as I work out. It is so fun having a little buddy with me where ever I go. My favorite thing in the entire world is when he looks in my eyes and just stares. I feel like he is saying "I love you Mom, you are doing just great! Just keep loving me and oh yeah, thanks for changing all my poopy diapers and for feeding me at all hours of the night! I love you!" Sometimes he'll even say "I love you" to me...well it sounds more like "Gah Guuuuv Gooo", but I know what he means :)

Motherhood rocks!


  1. You should gives a tour of your new apartment. Max can be in the picture or maybe Q since I don't see him much. That would be fun.

  2. ohhhhh my heavens he is getting so big! I wished we could have been there for the blessing and had paige in there with them. Man ARIEL you are such an inspriation.... working out everyday.... Um I need to get myself together!!! Hahah You are the best Mom! I love reading your blog! It makes me miss both of you so bad!
