Friday, March 1, 2013

Life as I Know IT

I appologize that I have not been much of a blogger lately. But to make it up, here are a lot of pictures and some probably boring videos. You are most welcome.

My life has been crazy but oh so wonderful. I feel so blessed. Everyday I am able to do more than I thought I could. I am very happy and really have a wonderful life. Lately I have felt so inspired. And sense this is my blog, and you are reading it, let me go ahead and pass on some inspiration.

You can do anything. I completely, totally, whole-heartedly believe that we can do whatever we put our mind to. In fact, our lives are the sum of many thougths that have lead to actions. So DREAM BIG!  The ONLY reason you cannot reach a goal or potential or dream is because of the limitations WE impose on ourselves. WE are our own worst critiques. We stifle our dreams and loose our childlike faith. We think the "real world" has to be something less than the "grown up" life we dreamed about as a kid. We can live our dreams. Want to run a marathon? Go for it. Want to win a marathon? Go for it. Want to make a million bucks? Go for it. Want to be an artist? Go for it? Want to learn how to ride a unicycle? Or juggle? Or climb a mountain? Or speak Spanish or French or Navajo? DO IT! Want to travel abroad? Plan, prepare then GO!

This is our life! We have so much potential, are we living beneath it?
As a woman of faith, I also believe that God can make so much more out of my life than I could. We can do great things on our own expertise, strength, will power, determination, but that is only a fraction of what we can accomplish through the strength of the Lord. Specifically, I have found that each day is so fulfilling and meaningful and joyful as I strive to put Him first. I read my scriptures every morning. I pray daily, and I look for opportunities to serve others. I don't do any homework or art on Sunday, to keep it holy--but somehow I have time, and energy and I get things done.

It is also important to remember to "Find JOY in the journey."
Life doesn't always go as planned.
Depspite hardwork and diligent efforts, dreams don't always come into fruition.
Life is just as hard as it is wonderful..sometimes harder.
There is the monotony of the daily grind, and the burden of providing for and raising a family.

BUT, we can still find joy. We can have peace, and I totally believe we can life a fulfilling life in any circumstance.

I have dreams. I PLAN on being a professional illustrator. I am going to make it happen. I PLAN on running a marathon and someday learning how to play the piano with two hands. But my biggest dream and most important goal is to be the most loving, devoted wife and mother I can.

I am living my dream!

For Valentine's Day I made Q's favorite: Lasagna! I got a little more dressed up than usual, and put Max in a bow tie. Q was so happy, I love my man!

 This is how my days usually go down..except, jr. is usually not this calm :)
I am including lots of pictures of my new hair...which is getting long. I didn't realize how often I would need to get it cut!

Vday again (sorry these arn't in order)

Cute little smile from a cute little boy 

I usually do my hair like this every night. So fun, but it is getting a little long, now it droops in the front and I look like a quail.


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