Monday, August 26, 2013


Does anyone else ever wonder what to blog about? Okay, so I am probably the 3,468th most boring blogger in the world...if you could even call my very random and rare explosions of word vomit a blog...but I still feel the need to write SOMETHING that will inspire or entertain, or humor some living, breathing being. In fact, I don't know if you could even call me a blogger. Its like someone who ran around the block saying they are a marathoner. Or a Ramen Noodler calling themselves a chef (I'm a little offended by that one). But thanks for reading anyway! Thanks for putting up with my sporadic and very inconsistent and grammatically incorrect and run-on sentence posts! Three cheers for my loyal readers (thanks mom): Whoo Hoo! Yippee! Kowabunga!!

So with that...

You know what I have been thinking about?
How much I would love to live in a home that looks like this:

That is right. It just occurred to me that my dream home is a replica of 17th century sea vessel! My husband and I watched Treasure Island recently and I was taken back to my childhood and the many daydreams I would have of being a stowaway on a pirate ship in search of buried treasure. In reality, I get miserably seasick (if you are curious, ask my husband to relate our boating experience on our honeymoon. Let me just say it was awful), so this house would, obviously, built in land. 

That's really all I had to say. I think it would be so fun to have a pirate ship house. Complete with a Crow's nest of course!

More excitement:
-Today my son ATE a huge hole in a cardboard cereal box while we were shopping. I actually didn't want to buy that box, but because he clearly marked his territory, I now have to eat Raisin Bran.

- What is Bruce Lee's favorite drink? WAAAAAAAATAAAAA!

-95% of statistics are false

-I never heard of FB until my junior year of high school (2005), and I thought it was lame. (I still do in some regards. There are A LOT of things I hate about FB. That is a post for another day). I never heard of texting until I started COLLEGE (okay, that really just means I am from a tinsy town and old fashion family), and I never had a cell phone until my SECOND SEMESTER of college. Hows that for a piece of humble pie? Oh and I had to walk my no-cell phone, never-heard-of-texting, might-as-well-be-Amish self uphill both ways in the snow. Actually that is true. My how times have changed. I am the music leader for the Primary children at my church and a few of them have ipods. In fact, we let my 13 month old son play with my husband's old Android. He will never see this:

And think "that is a phone"(at least for now)--because all he sees is us talk on things that look like this:
Big difference! Crazy how old I feel. 

Well, there is a deep concept to keep you entertained until I decide to post again. Until next time...

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