Monday, September 9, 2013

Treat Others the Way YOU Would Like to be Treated

A month ago my little family and I moved to a new and VERY different city. I am a country girl through and through-- growing up, I lived on 7 or more acres, and we usually couldn't see our closest neighbors. My husband and I grew up in a small town (population around 12,000), and then went to college in another small, potato farming town. So, as you can imagine, the move was quite the adjustment.

Not only were we suddenly thrust into a busy metropolitan area with 7-11s on every corner (seriously), but we moved into the complete opposite climate. We are both from Oregon and LOVE drizzly, cloudy days, forests full of pine trees, mountains covered in greenery, waterfalls, and SEASONS. We moved into the dry, hot, HOT Nevada. Suffice it to say, we were feeling a little out of our element, but we were (and are!) excited to have an adventure.

On our first Sunday at church we sat down near the front of the chapel. Of course, we didn't know anyone, but I was anxious to make friends. I leaned towards the pew in front of us and blurted something awkward like, "Hi, what's your name?" The woman in front answered and we began a conversation. We were touched when she even invited us to dinner later that week!

When we went to eat in her home we learned she had only been coming back to church for 3 weeks after a very long time of not attending. She said she felt very uncomfortable, but was trying to be more social, so she invited us over. Last weekend we invited her to our home for games. We had a great time! She mentioned that we were the first couple to ever invite her to their home.

That really touched me. Here is this woman who, like us, feels new and is trying to make friends and connections. Yet, she didn't hesitate to reach out to us. When she showed us kindness, we were happy to reciprocate, which ended up being a blessing in her life!

We have also tried hard to get to know others as well. I even made cinnamon rolls for our neighbors.

AND, we've been blessed by many others who have made an incredible effort to serve us and make us feel welcome and loved (babysitting, inviting us to do things...)

Moral of the story? It doesn't matter if you are feeling like a 'newbie", reaching out to others will greatly bless your life, and take the focus away from your problems. It is so easy to think "I just moved here, I sure wish someone would invite me over for dinner, or sit by me, or talk to me.. Or that my neighbors would come meet us, and bring cookies..." But this is real life! We can't just sit on our tuffits eating our curds and whey!

Challenge: Make a new friend this week! Meet a neighbor that just moved in (and bring cookies!) My mom is a wonderful example. She said when she feels awkward at a party or event, she pushes it aside and looks for someone who might be feeling the same way. If everyone sincerely tried this every day, the world would be a happier place!

(How can I end a post without including a picture of this cutie!)

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