Saturday, October 19, 2013

20 Reasons I Don't Feel Guilty Listening to Christmas Music (and watching Christmas Movies) Before Halloween

1. It makes me happy. 

2. There is a serious shortage is Thanksgiving music/movies. 

3. While there is not a shortage of Halloween movies, I get scared very easily, so this is a great way to prevent me from wetting my pants.

4. It's kind of fun to do something that sets you apart as one of those people ( :) )

5. I love Christmas. So why not extend my celebrating as long as I possibly can??

6. The themes are so happy and uplifting and can be applied to any time of the year (serving others, giving meaningful gifts, Jesus Christ, love...)

7. Somehow I feel like listening to Christmas music will make it snow faster and harder...

8. While artists do come up with new holiday songs every year, most sing the same ones over and over, so you are bound to memorize them at some point. Makes karaoke in the car much easier and more fun.

9. Maybe I am preparing to be an elf for halloween, and I am grateful for Christmas, so really I am celebrating all the fall holidays.

10. Adding to #2..I cannot think of a single Halloween song. The only one that pops in my head is the "And they call him Sandy Claws" from The Nightmare Before Christmas,  and well, that is actually a Christmas point proven.

11. I am the Primary music leader for my church. We have to start practicing for the Nativity I must listen to Christmas music to get ready (oh bummer!)

12. My favorite holiday songs are the ones about my Savior (O Holy Night, O Come All Ye Faithful, Silent Night..), which are really just ballads of faith. That totally applies anytime.

13. People tend to offer you great ultimatums: " I will give you____ if you just turn off that @#%^&$%# Christmas music!" 

14. Without starting my Christmas music marathon in October, I am completely devastated when the holidays end. In contrast, when I blast those carols for two plus solid months, I am very ready to retire them for awhile. It's a coping mechanism, really.

15. If "Christmas Cheer" makes people extra happy and caring, why not get a kick start on that? (Sure, we should always be happy and caring, but we all know the world could use some more).

16. I don't grimace when stores start playing holiday tunes in November. It's like a strength and conditioning program for my ears.

17. Do you think Santa limits his holiday jamming sessions to one measly month?!

18. It makes me even more excited for Christmas.

19. Since I live someplace that doesn't snow, it is necessary to have a significant buildup to the holidays to maintain excitement. 

20. It singing practice. This way, I am a much better singer during December than I would be without my 2 month warmup. We would all sound like Herald angels if we had more time to prepare.

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