Monday, October 7, 2013

Guys! I CUT My Hair!!

I did! No joke!!

Last January I made a drastic decision. I went from this: 
(ish. this is a really old picture, but I don't have many pictures of myself with my long locks)

 To this. I have LOVED having short hair. It is so awesome to be able to do it in 5 seconds, and I really feel so much more energetic and confident since I cut my hair. Sounds weird, but it's true! The MAJOR downside, however, of getting a pixie cut, is that you notice how fast your hair grows, and if you don't keep getting cuts, you end up with a mushroom/mullet/1960's hair. I feel like a Beatle.
Yeah, so sorry about this nasty picture. But its like those weight loss pictures, the uglier the before pic, the better the results seem to be :) This was me this morning. Mushroom and 1960s do all over the place. 
So, I have a story: I tried cutting my bangs myself a few weeks ago, but failed to educate myself with You Tube tutorials, so I just cut straight across. My husband took one look at me and said: "You look like a Klingon [from Star Trek]." Thanks Babe. I actually think he was a little confused. Unless I have some nasty facial scarring no one has told me about, I think he meant I look like Spock (Or I did when I first Star Trekified my hair).  
 I am so tired to getting my hair cut every 7 weeks (or needing to get it cut that often...I obviously don't get it cut that much), cuts can be expensive! So, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I can't decide if I want to grow my hair out or not. I love the pixie, but I find myself missing my long locks a lot. So, until I decide, I'll just keep my hair a little on the longer side. 

So ANYWAY. After watching a few tutorials, I cut my own hair! It was so liberating, and I only cut my knuckle once! I first thinned my hair my twisting locks then running a razor up the twist. This thinned the hair, but kept most of the length. I did that all over, then used the tips of the scissors to thin my hair a little more and add some shape. I am SUPER happy with the results! Now that I made my head a canvas, I might not be able to leave my hair alone, ha ha. Who knew it was possible to do this kind of thing yourself?!
Sorry about the bad lighting. it really has a lot more texture than you can see in this picture.

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