Thursday, October 10, 2013

My Media Fast

Hey folks! I hope you are having a happy Thursday! Thursdays used to be my least favorite day, but then I got a job as a janitor in college. Thursdays became 'Bleach Your Mop Day.' It gave me something to look forward to, and made Thursdays just a little better, complete with the lovely smell of Chlorox. Whether you bleach your mop today or not, I hope it is a great day.

So I have realized lately how much time I spend on my computer and on the TV each day. I wouldn't call myself a couch potato by any means (but I DO have my spud-like days), but I check my email a few times a day, catch up on Facebook, and blogger. I look up images for reference if I am doing an illustration, and I am always looking up the dinner menu on

When my husband gets home, he's tired, I'm tired, we're all tired. So, more often than not, we sit down together and watch a movie. We don't even have cable or satellite, but we easily watch one or two movies a day.

This has really started to bother me. Can't we find other things to do? Have we forgot how do enjoy simple conversation. What about developing talents, cleaning the house, and spending more quality time with our son and each other?

My guess is many of you feel the same way. We are in such an "entertain me" era. We look up silly videos on the internet and share them with our friends. Many cannot sit a few minutes without pulling out their phone to text or play a game. Music is always blaring, and the TV is always jabbering.

I decided I didn't want to let entertainment and electronics control me. I can be interesting and find wonderful things to do that do not involve a Facebook status update. So? I went on a 24 hour computer/TV free fast. I didn't feel quite ready to nix the phone, baby steps, right?

So what happened?


1)I noticed the beauty of quiet. I usually jam to tunes as I make dinner or tidy the house. And my son and I love to dance together. I listen to good, uplifting music, but it was so nice to have just plan ol' silence. I had more time and less distractions and was able to think, really think.

2) I rediscovered the joy of reading. Reading rock, guys. I read so many books to my little guy and did all the voices. It was so fun, and I found myself laughing out loud more than once. Doesn't usually happen when we are watching a movie.

3) I was able to think more creatively about my time. I never try to let entertainment govern my time, but sometimes time just slips away as we blog or scroll down the Facebook home page. Without those temptations, I felt like I got so much done! I had a great walk, visited a friend, went to a lesson with the missionaries from my church (for more information, click here), and had a great talk with my husband. Minutes and even seconds add up!

4) I regained my focus. I periodically go through Facebook fasts, and each time I return, I feel like I am more aware of how silly Facebook can be. I don't mean to offend anyone, and believe me, I know it is a wonderful way to keep in touch with family, and friends, and even to promote yourself as a business owner, but it also become a great way to waste time, forget about what matters most, and "compare yourself to the Jones's". I feel silly admitting it, but sometimes, I start to even think in status updates. Something funny happens, and I instantly want to snap a picture and post about it....then check a few minutes later and see what people said...then check a little later and so on. It's a vicious selfish cycle. Especially as a mom, which such a cute little person to take pictures of! Again, I am not saying its all bad, but for me, a break was great. I really want to spend much less time on Facebook. My goal is once or twice a week.

Take a day off! I dare you! Go for a walk! Read a book! Have a deep conversation! Make dinner using a good ol' fashioned recipe book! Do something nice for someone else! Then blog about it :) (or just tell someone!)

We are so blessed to live in a day when technology is progressing quickly. The world is so small via the internet, and it really is a wonderful thing, but taking a break will help you become a better person. Try it!!
P.s. My awesome little brother (bottom right) gets home from his mission to Brazil in two weeks!!

And THIS awesome little brother leaves for his in Spain on MONDAY! I sure love these boys (they are more like men, actually)

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