Sunday, February 9, 2014


Hi friends! If you are curious, which I am sure you are, my cold has kept me awake, so I am sitting here on my couch in my jammies, sipping a steaming hot cup of water and honey. Wow that was a lot of commas. Not sure if that is grammatically correct, but it was fun.

I had a lovely Sunday. Church was wonderful. I am the music leader for the primary children in my congregation. It is such an adventure. I love it! I am really not very musical---except having a passion for it---but in this responsibility thats really all you need. It gives me such a thrill to hear these sweet little children sing songs about their Savior, or their families, or the importance of choosing the right. I love seeing them smile and enjoy learning the songs or just being silly with me. The best thing about being an adult is sometimes you get to choose what age you act. Sometimes I am 26, but sometimes I am just 6.

Children are our future! This world definitely has its issues, but there is still so much good to be found. I want my children and all children to embrace the good, love learning and never loose their imagination.

Maybe we should all be 6 a little more often.

What else has been on my mind?

Max just amazed me everyday. Oh how I love that kid! He is absolutely hilarious, and he knows it. I do a lot of baking, and his favorite thing to do is to play in the flour (not the whole bag, I just give him a little in a bowl). I don't even care.

He goes to nursery at church now. (For 18 months-3 years. Not that we don't love chasing him around the halls at church...) I know it is just 2 hours on Sunday, but I feel like I have a real school-kid! I am so proud of his beautiful artistic creations, and feel like a real grown-up when I walk down the hall to pick him up after church is over. Since I lead the music for the children, part of my responsibility is to sing with the nursery kids. I love walking into the nursery and seeing Max Man sit at the table like a big boy, or so intent while playing with toys. Sometimes he doesn't even go over to me, which makes me a little sad. There is so much for him to discover. Oh time, please slow down! 

And, I am training him well:)

Life is wonderful. Q started his first real, career-job last Monday! He teaches 7th-grade English and LOVES it. It's funny, when we tell people what he does, the usually offer some sort of being stuck with 150 pubescent, twitter-patted teenyboppers would be the worst thing imaginable. I don't think it is a job anyone can handle, but I think my sweet husband was born for the job. He is so creative and passionate about english, I know the kids love him.  

Now as we close the "Undergrad" chapter of our lives, we face endless pages of adventures and growth in the future: buying our first home, getting our first dog (we want a bulldog!), graduate school....
So many possibilities and adventures in store! I know that our loving Heavenly Father will help direct us and help us find the best path. 

Scriptures of the day: "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path" (Psalm 119:105 KJV)

" And it came to pass that I beheld others pressing forward, and they came forth and caught hold of the end of the rod of iron; and they did press forward through the mist of darkness, clinging to the rod of iron, even until they did come forth and partake of the fruit of the tree." (1 Nephi 8:24 The Book of Mormon)

In the scripture in 1 Nephi, the prophet Lehi is describing a vision he had. He saw a beautiful tree with delicious fruit that represents the love of God. And iron rod, which represents the word of God, lead to the tree. As we cling to the word of God in our own lives, whether that is in the Holy BIble, or other scripture (The Book of Mormon and teachings of modern prophets), we will be guided to where we can find the greatest joy and happiness. God's word give us direction and purpose. I have to read my scriptures everyday. It's like eating breakfast, exercising, or brushing my teeth. I can't live without that peace and power. I know as we continue to seek God's will through His word, we will be directed in our lives.

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