Saturday, September 21, 2013

26.2, Someday I Will Own You

It is crazy that I want  to run a marathon? In fact, ever since middle school, and probably before, running those 26.2 bad boys has been my goal. For some reason, a seems to be marathon the pinnacle of runningdom, and for years I have wanted to conquer it. I would day dream of qualifying for Boston and running marathons in all 50 states, setting personal (and race) records, and mingling with a close knit community of fleet feets.

Three times so far I have searched and searched for the perfect marathon. Three times I have found a training plan and started training, but each time I never made it to that blessed starting line. The first time I was training with my husband when we were engaged. I was amazed that he actually wanted to race 26.2 with me. But, I learned after our wedding he only wanted to spend more time with me, away from my roommates, so he'd join me on the road. After two weeks off from running with all the wedding and honeymoon hoopla, we never continued the rest of our training.

The second time I trained avidly alone until I found out I was pregnant. Then I still pounded the pavement until 25 weeks, and then continued until delivery on the elliptical.

And this year I was determined to check a marathon off my bucket-list. In fact, it was a New Year's resolution I was sure I would achieve. Surely this time I could make it happen! Third time's the charm, right? Well, things are a little complicated. We moved to a new city and could be moving again in just a few short months. It is impossible to plan on running a marathon at a certain location if you have no idea where you'll be. Also, the only time I can run is at 5:00am, before the husband leaves for work, and my son wakes up. Right now, it's just not possible to pound out as many miles as I would like during the wee hours of the morning. It's complicated.

So, what is a marathon hopeful to do? I will be honest, I get a little green with envy when I see someones Facebook status proudly announce they just ran their first 26.2. People who don't even want to run do marathons. People who don't even like running. People do it on a whim. I love, LOVE running, and would do a marathon in a second if I could. I feel like a Juliet being denied her Romio.

But, have the past three years been a waste? Not at all. I got married. I had a baby (a Mommy Marathon has to count for something!), and I am trying to make decisions that are best for my little family right now. Someday I'll conquer that 26.2 mile mountain. In fact, call me crazy, but lately I have been really considering doing an Ultra-marathon someday (anything over 26.2..but I'd favor a 100 miler). Right now I'll just keep chugging along on this Ultra-Ultra-marathon of motherhood and wife-hood and life.

Someday you'll see me in Boston.
But for now I'll keep running every chance I can, and putting my energy where it's needed most.
I am running a 5k on Thanksgiving. My goal is to break 19 minutes.

Maybe I didn't run my 26.2, but I did run a half this year, and I broke my high school 5k PR by a minute and 2 seconds. Not a bad year at all. And it's not even over.

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