Monday, September 23, 2013

Cussing Isn't Cool

Last night as I lay on my bed trying to fall asleep so I could go running at 5:00am, I heard a conversation from the couple who just moved in downstairs . We haven't had a downstairs neighbor for two months, so I didn't realize how thin the walls are until last night.

The conversation started at a normal decibel, but the quickly became a heated argument. Every other word was the F word, and sentences ridden with that word would just be interrupted by another hate-word infested sentence.

Eventually I had to turn on a fan in order to drown out the flurry of F bombs and angry dialogue.

I am not judging this couple...I have no idea what they were arguing about, but I can't help but be disturbed at the language of those around me. In fact,  in my apartment complex it isn't uncommon for me to hear the F word thrown out of a mouth of a toddler or child. I am totally disturbed.

Is it really just a word? Swearing is dripping with anger and crud connotations. It screams disrespect and disregard for those around you. What happened to respect? What happened to decency?

When I hear any curse word, (and there are some words I define as curse words that many do not) I get a shiver up my spine and a sick feeling. What happened to language creativity and sentence structure? There are a billion other ways to state your anger, or frustration, or excitement, or surprise without using such a derogatory and loaded word.

What are we teaching our children? I believe children only speak what they hear around them--whether that is what is spoken in their own home, or what they hear through the media.

We are going from a society of eloquence and education to a culture of a few four letter words.

Call me old school, sheltered or prude, but I miss kindness and courtesy. I miss larger vocabularies.

The mouth is an interesting thing. From beautiful lips and clean white teeth can come the greatest praise, blessings, compliments, and declarations of love for those around them. Or, this same mouth can utter ugly, dark, crude, derogatory, hateful words. You can make or break a person by just your language.

Can't we just make an effort to speak a little kinder? A little more loving? Express our anger in a more calm and creative way? Can't we take a stand against this language in the media? How can we be surprised when our children let a certain word slip if that word and other similar language is streamed into our homes via the television and Internet?

We can make a difference. Lets do it for ourselves and lets do it for our children. Do it for the lonely, elderly woman next door. Do it for your community and for the world. Lets speak with a little more love.

We can do it.

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