Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Do You REALLY Think You Can?

One thing I believe with all my heart is that there is a power to our thoughts, and we are literally the product of what we think about all day, all month, all year, for our entire lives.

I also believe that as 21st century homo sapiens, we rarely tap into the full reservoir of our potential. This belief is kin to my knowledge of a higher power, and that we can receive divine assistance to help us reach worthy goals, overcome hardships, and to change who we are (imperfect) into who we can become (perfect).

So, if we are a) the product of our thoughts, and b) if we have great potential, and can literally do anything we dream, then what is limiting us from thinking our way to the stars?

Everyday we have thoughts. Some are good, some are bad. Some we think more cognitively than others. Some uplift us and help us become better people. Some stunt our progress and lead us away from our worthy goals. Some thoughts also help or hurt those around us.

Many people, especially young people, have great ambitions. Call it a "Bucket-List" if you will. We all dream about accomplishing great things, traveling to exotic places and living exemplary lives. While I believe positive thinking can lead to the accomplishment of these goals, that is not what I want to focus on. I want to highlight the everyday, sometimes monotonous, Monday-through-Sunday kind of living. What are our daily thoughts? Are they leading us closer to who we want to become? Are we happy with who we are? If not, who would we like to become? These are crucial questions that can help guide our daily thoughts.

The quality of your life now and in the future is a also a sum of your thoughts. Everyday you are either moving closer to life or death. Let me explain: If you choose poor diet, a sedentary lifestyle, and habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol and drug use, studies have indicated your life will be shortened, and your quality of life will diminish. The opposite is obvious: if you exercise, live an active life, eat healthy and abstain from harmful substances, your lifespan and quality of life will improve. But what about less tangible things? Can you spiritually live or die? I believe you can. I believe just as we can choose to eat better we can also make choices that will improve the spiritual quality of our lives and eventually lead to greater power and potential. Everyday you are thinking your way to greater peace and happiness or greater misery. Why? Because if you think about something enough, you will act. Action leads to becoming. So the person you are is the summation of what you have thought about for your entire life. Crazy, isn't it? Intimidating? For sure. Thankfully, change is possible. We can take control of our thoughts and our lives. I believe this power is fully available through our Savior, Jesus Christ. Because of His sacrifice for all mankind, we have the power to change.  As we exercise faith in Him, we develop a desire to repent. Repentance is change! Whether you recognize it as that or not, or whether you believe in Jesus Christ or not, we all want to become better than we are. And that is possible.

Here is a little formula I made that can help us use our thoughts to help us progress.

I call it R.O.C.C.A

Recognize the pattern of your thoughts. What do you think about? What actions to do you take as a result?
Take Ownership. Don't fall into "victim thinking" where you blame others or circumstances for your situation.
Choose to Change. 
Alter the course of our life. Become who you want to become.

Success is a relative term, but to me, it means living your potential the very best you can. It means having good thoughts and thinking enough of them that you eventually have good actions--actions that lead you to your worthwhile goals, that lead you closer to who you want to become. Success is personal change. I know personal change is possible, and it is done one tiny thought at a time.

Great things can happen if we think we can!

I believe in you!

I feel like including pictures makes my rambling posts 25% more interesting. So here is my handsome little guy making his favorite kissy face!

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